W.J. Boone, known as Jesse to his friends, lives in Missoula, Montana with his wife of 24 years and high-school sweetheart. After spending a decade in Cleveland, they moved back with their children to Montana in 2014. Jesse is an instructor at Rocky Mountain School of Photography and currently operates a studio and gallery with his wife in Missoula. He is a winner of the Photo District News Outdoor Photography Competition. Now, his artistic outlet is primarily focused on creating abstract landscapes inspired by Montana and the Pacific Northwest. Jesse enjoys spending his time painting, photographing his adventures on Portra film, writing scripts and poetry, playing basketball with his boys and enjoying 3 shot Americanos in the morning. He loves wordle, art deco, teal and coral, open negative space, outdoor volleyball, living walls, skylights and flashlights. Jesse also enjoys making insane amounts of Spotify playlists, float therapy and deep conversations.
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